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The 3 Ps of our healthcare future: Predictive, preventative, personalized

How we can all live longer, healthier, better and slow the effects of aging — and make 100 years old the “new 60”

Looking at the past, what happened always appears, well, obvious. But all too often few could envision the surprising future that eventually emerged.

And while that cliché, “history repeats itself” also seems obvious, patterns do repeat. I like how rapper Quavo put it: “History repeats itself, so you might wanna pay attention.”

Well I’m paying attention to the future of health and longevity. As the CEO of a leading stem cell therapy and research organization, I see a future that represents a major shift that will help more people live longer and live better.

The living longer part may be no surprise. In the U.S., life expectancy is now closing in on 79 years. That’s a lifespan three decades longer than back in 1900 – and close to 40 years longer than in 1860.

But are we living better as we age? That may not be so clear, yet I see a pattern emerging that will seem clear once everyone sees that what we know about science and medicine must take a back seat to how we think about health and wellness.

So here’s my prediction: In the next 20 years, we’ll see age 100 years old as “the new 60.”

That’s a bold claim, I know, so let me explain how not just new treatments, new technology, and new medical discoveries will turn this vision into reality – but how a shift in focus will make an enormous difference.

The future of healthcare: Rolling back the calendar 120 years

If you were reviewing some of leading causes of death as the 20th century dawned, you would have seen data that looked like this:

“Wow,” you might think, “if we could only do something about pneumonia, tuberculosis, and diphtheria – we could all live longer and better!”

As it turned out, that’s what exactly happened, a major reason why life expectancy has climbed so rapidly since then. Thanks to scientific research and healthcare policy, diseases such as TB and diphtheria have largely faded from memory.

Now here’s a look at similar data — adding data from a few years ago and a few additional causes of death:

Two major causes of death today — as they were back in 1900 — include heart disease and cancer. Those rates are even higher than 120 years ago.

So today, I look at this chart and think, “Wow, if we could only do something about heart disease and cancer, we could all live longer and better!”

If history repeats itself, that seems obvious to me.

What will it take to reduce the impact of these conditions? I call them the “3 Ps” of healthcare – an approach that predictive, preventative, and personalized. That’s because today’s healthcare system mostly focuses on “sick care,” while resources should be allocated to true healthcare. Here’s how each of these “3 Ps” will deliver on the promise of reducing the impact of aging and extending longevity.

Predictive: More access to more data

We know far more about what goes on inside our bodies than ever before – and have access to more sophisticated tests that reveal far more about what goes on inside our bodies.

Information about our DNA is one example, but we’re more than our DNA. We’ve only recently appreciated the influence of the unique microbiomes that live inside us and help keep us healthy. Billions of bacteria live in symbiotic relationship with our own cells in ways unique to each individual and impact our health and wellness. Data about these microbiomes reveals our susceptibility to disease, individualized suggestions for a healthier and longer life.

This data-driven approach I envision isn’t just based on information about people in general, but data unique to each individual. This data extends to tests that include whole body MRI, brain MRI, heart MRI, specific genome sequencing, blood biomarker testing, and many more.

If you’re interested in learning more about (or signing up for) these comprehensive diagnostic tests that give you actionable information to help prevent disease, I recommend Health Nucleus in San Diego and Fountain Life in Naples, Florida.

If you interested in ordering a microbiome testing kit you can use at home, I recommend the VIOME Health Intelligence or Gut Intelligence Kit.

Preventative (and proactive): Staying well, not just treating illness

Science gives us plenty of data, but we’re not going to make much progress until we use that data better – and not just to treat sickness, but to stay healthy.

We know for example that our immune systems protect us against disease, but how do we treat our immune cells better on a daily basis? We now know that inflammation causes tissues in many organs to deteriorate more rapidly. Why not take proactive steps to modulate inflammation to optimize health?

At BioXcellerator, for example, we offer access to ongoing stem cell therapy on a regular basis. Yes, we’re proud of our results at treating disease and disorders and those suffering from chronic pain, but our research shows that stem cell therapy may offer even more promise as a proactive way to stay healthy.

Think about it this way: You visit a financial advisor to help you manage your finances and grow your wealth. Most people don’t wait until they run into financial difficulties before seeking that type of advice. Being proactive helps keep your finances healthy. Why should your own health be any different?

Personalized: Your own unique body, your own unique lifestyle choices

Access to predictive data and a proactive approach leads to healthcare that’s personalized – unique to you. It still boggles my mind how we implement treatment protocols based on evidence that applies to overall populations, not individual people. That was the only approach available when we didn’t have individualized data, but with today’s sophisticated tests, there’s no more excuse for a one-size-fits-all approach to healthcare.

For example, the advanced stem cell therapiesd my company offers are each unique. They’re customized based on a patient’s unique health profile and goals – each patient receives personalized treatment protocols.

Even the basics such as diet and nutrition can be more effective when decisions are based on individual needs. For example, advice so simple as “eat your vegetables” becomes far too general. Which vegetables? How much of each one? Indeed, the idea of a “healthy diet” will become one that’s unique to you – and could be very different than one that’s best for someone else.

The future: Living longer, living better

This approach that emphasizes predictive, preventative, and personalized healthcare can easily help us not only extend longevity, but enjoy more performance and more vitality even as we reach ages once considered “old.”

Going back to that chart showing today’s leading causes of death, consider the impact if we could reduce the incidence of heart disease and cancer by even half as much as we cut the risks of dying from tuberculosis and diphtheria more than 100 years ago. Even if heart disease and cancer aren’t fatal, they certainly cause us to age more rapidly – and I want to see us all not just live longer, but live better.

So as I see it, age 100 will indeed become “the new 60.”

History will repeat itself, and if my prediction holds true, we’ll all be around for more of that history than ever!

I could only touch on a few examples of how this bold new approach to healthcare I envision for the future can help more people enjoy longer and healthier lives. You can learn far more about immunity, longevity, the microbiome, and new technologies in these three books: The Future is Faster than You Think by Peter Diamandis, Lifespan by David Sinclair, and The PEGAN Diet by Dr. Mark Hyman.

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